Anny Stephanou
Inter 4
Urban Moment – repetitive and cyclical pattern of the day and night juxtaposed with the static and linear life of a building.The time needed to travel from one end of the block to the other, is collapsed into one instant.Model - Diagram - Merging of time scales, ranging from instants to the eroding of the city's landscape.The depth of the Parisian façade is observed by cutting sections along vertical symmetry lines which are defined as either through the center of windows or the center of the wall in between.By taking only the information that is given in these sections - moments and creating what happens in between them, various forms can be created which still have information relating to the original facade such as the location of the windows, and the amount of relief.
Each of the section lines are abstracted into three more levels showing a gradual decrease of information where the shape from one to the next differs, but the quantity of information remains the same within.
Therefore, if each of these can be thought of as a representation of architectural forms coming from different time periods, the question is how the discontinuous representations can be combined to create a continuous transformation from one to the next.Materiality of the derived form showing continuity and gradual transformation from one section line to the next.Contour modelInterior - The less complexity of the line, the more glass is used, becoming more transparent and also less private, allowing more sunlight to enter into the spaces created.So as to make the appearance of continuity successful both in the exterior and interior, the envelope is divided into an outer face and inner face, where the later is further subdivided. The contours are allowed to continue towards the interior walls, merging elements including the fireplace as well as ornaments together.Density is defined as the amount of information in the Parisian envelope created whether it can be seen or not. Typologically, the first type of section line is taken from 19th century Paris where as the simplest one may be seen as a contemporary approach to architecture. The two polar representations are combined showing a smooth continuity in between, where the form created is dependent on extracted moments, creating a cycle of transformations from the exterior face of the envelope, to the interior organisation down to the ornament, which could essentially be considered as an urban strategy applied to the entire Parisian setting, where the section lines hold a part of the site’s history and thus give information on the materiality and design as traces/ memories/ evidence of the past.