seung joon.oh
Diploma 5
it shows Japanese colour combination for traditional Japanese clothes.Full kimono has 12 different layers with different materials and each layer is relate to thermal condition.Moveable layers can be open and close according to performance, temperature, ventilation and also allowing natural light.The main spaces are the centralized ones that visitors and performers eventually reach after going through all of the different layers, giving people a unique spatial experience of different colours and thermal properties of different space.
The triangulation of the structure gives a varying experience within narrower and wider circulation paths, making all areas of the building different.
my proposal is define by layering with different behaviors, and origami creates the conditions for a changing internal environment that allows all of the layers to work together to allow for the specific conditions needed for different activities, ultimately highlighting the performer.
my proposal has 5 different layers with different materials which is paper, metal, insulation pipe, ply wood and waterproof environmental layer. And all the layers work in origami system.The aim of project is to create a bridge between traditional and contemporary Japanese ¡®Master Ceremony¡¯ culture in the form of a congregational space. My proposal is a platform for the evolving nature of Master Ceremony in Japan Four different components are used with 4 different opacities to create the skin pattern to control the lighting. More folds create filtered lights whereas less folds create more direct light. Using traditional origami techniques, to creating definitions between interior and exterior and also using origami to connect with colour changes which I will explain later.I was interested in folding kimonoThe site itself is a combination between traditional and modern activities such as festivals and market. Where located between shrine and geisha district.