Object, Subject and the House
Within a contemporary habitat, the traditional values of architectural scale and physical space are becoming increasingly obsolete.
Instead, the architecture of an inhabitable environment is best to be articulated through its interiority.
The modern house is not anymore defined by the salon, the dining room or living room, but is replaced by its features: the Jacuzzi, flat screen television and milk frother have become the contemporary means of inhabitation.
The essence of home has made a shift from the comfort of contained space to the comfort of its machinery.
More than the physicality of walls, floors and a ceiling, territoriality is grounded within a certainty of permanence, feeling of enclosure and essence of ownership.
The house becomes a home through the generic sequence of daily activities and its corresponding instruments.
If our house constitutes a domestic territory from which our
Ipods, Iphones, Ipads and Imacs are fundamental means of
self-identification, why are we still building its containment?