Translated By

Translated By
Curated by Charles Arsène-Henry and Shumon Basar

Featuring Douglas Coupland, Rana Dasgupta, Julien Gracq, Hu Fang, Jonathan Lethem, Tom McCarthy, Guy Mannes Abbott, Sophia
Al Maria, Hisham Matar, Adania Shibli and Neal Stephenson<
Saturday 15 January to Wednesday 9 February

You’ve entered the room. It looks empty, silent. Vinyl text on the wall, like an album track-listing. Writers’ names instead of bands.

You’ve been given a black pamphlet and an electronic device connected to a pair of headphones. You’ll put them on. Pick a number. Press play. You look for the same number on the walls. You find it. Next to it, an image. Beside it there is a seat. You sit. On a beat-up office chair dredged from a river. You listen. And you start travelling. You’re on Atlantic Avenue, between Nevins and Third. It’s Brooklyn. 1971.

The voice stops. You go for another track, another chair, a different place. Now on a little stool, you follow a six-year-old girl’s voice in your ears. You’re lost in the Sheraton Hotel. An Aztec spaceship in Doha’s desert.

It will last for 11 tracks. Through Tripoli, Brixton, Ramallah. Sofia, The Metaverse. Ardennes forest. A garden. Until West Vancouver. Where the world is ending.

Photo by Sue BarrPhoto by Sue Barr