Wynn Chandra
Diploma 11

The project corresponds to the gaps and inconsistencies between layers of masterplans and commercial developments. Through the distribution of articulated structural follies, the site is subjected to programmatic accretion that consolidates fabric of the past and future into a vast infrastructural landscape. It aims to curate what the city provide us, within its shells and enclosures, a textural reminder that has eluded the ongoing pre-occupation of renewal through regeneration. A city is archived. Follies are weaved into trajectories of micro-libraries and transit arcades, composed in the state of ongoing transmutation that anticipates forthcoming residential and transport developments.

A structural datum is inserted into a densely textured urban fabric: a void space that grafts into the layered context, uncovering its anchorages and spatial anatomy that calls for fissures.

Casting process becomes an analogy of material acquisition, where the physical anatomy of existing urban context are catalogued for 'reading'. Meanwhile, series of fissures formed between the cast and retained walls mark the territory of inserted infrastructure junctions.
Drawing showing schematic distribution of micro libraries. The cores function as sequences of programmatic aggregations that bridge the gaps between three different development schemes. The follies consolidate various building typologies into a vast infrastructural landscape.Axonometric showing re-mediation of existing building plans and library infrastructure.The cantilevering structure consolidates walls and planes to hover across a new public route where library, interchange corridor, and new circulation space for residential and commercial space intersect.Sectional perspective showing sample core grafted onto the maze of existing walls and planes, inverting domestic and interior spaces as public corridor. Programmatic and structural categories are catalogued under: core surface territory, cantilevered fragments, floor plans, library components, future infrastructure.Perspective showing the core underpinning Shiloh Church, where archival space is occupying the excavated space 20 years ahead before enabling works begin for Dalston Crossrail 2 station. In later phase the library components will serve as machinery access to the underground construction.Resulting spaces are experienced through trajectories of micro-libraries and transit arcades, composed in the state of ongoing transmutation, anticipating forthcoming residential and transport developments.